The Daniel Bergstein 1980 Memorial Scholarship

About This Scholarship

This scholarship is given in memory of Daniel Bergstein ’80, who died September 11, 2001 in the attacks on the World Trade Center, where he was Corporate Secretary of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. You can read about Dan and the history of his scholarship on the award’s website.

The scholarship award is open to any graduating Stuyvesant senior who will attend any of the colleges of Columbia University or the City University of New York. It is a one-time, unrestricted grant of $1980, which may be used for any purpose, is independent of any other grants, loans or scholarships, and is not dependent on financial need.

Applicant Criteria

  1. The student must be committed to attending Columbia, Barnard, or a CUNY school in Fall 2024.
  2. The student must submit the application with essay question.
  3. The student must submit a letter of recommendation.

The student must submit a letter of recommendation letter and complete the Bergstein Scholarship Essay Questions. Please submit your application form via the website, and your addenda, including essay questions to [email protected].