Checklist for Applicants

All applications must have 100% of the required information. If any required question is unanswered, the application will be deemed incomplete and will not be considered for any Alumni Association scholarships.

Application Form

Essay Question(s) -All scholarships offered require a completed essay question(s).

☐ Academic Transcript

☐ Recommendation Letter* (*only required for select scholarships. Please reference About Each Scholarship for more information.)

☐ Copy of FAFSA (*not required for Lerner Award) – Make sure the PDF has the answers filled out and not just “Transferred from IRS.”)

☐ Financial Information (*not required for Lerner Award) – If not listed on your FAFSA, you must include information on

  • family income for each parent
  • how long have they lived in their home
  • do they own or rent
  • amount for mortgage on home, if applicable
  • what did they pay for the home, if applicable
  • what is the home currently worth, if applicable
  • amount outstanding on the mortgage, if applicable
  • do they own or lease any cars
  • make, model, and year of car(s) owned/leased by family, if applicable
  • any additional investments, including residential and commercial properties, and their value
  • any special circumstances the committee should be made aware of

Deadline: Monday, April 15, 2024 by 11:59pm ET.

Scholarship Applications for Spring 2024 are now CLOSED. Thank you to everyone for applying!

Please make sure you have (1) submitted the application and (2) sent an email with all the other documents to [email protected] with the subject “Scholarship Application – Last Name, First Name”.